An Example of Holiness and Humility
Saint Francis of Paola was born in 1416 in Paola, Calabria. A man of faith, he embodied essential human values. These values are simplicity, charity and humility. Coming from a Christian family, he felt from a young age a call to monastic life.
At the age of 13, he entered the Franciscan convent of San Marco Argentano. He then devoted himself to the life of a hermit in his hometown. This choice of solitary life quickly became a model. He attracted many disciples around him.
In 1435, he founded the order of the Minims, “the very small ones.” This order was dedicated to humility and charity. His reputation for holiness spread quickly. Miracles, such as healings and fulfilled prophecies, reinforced his veneration.
Despite the influx of crowds who come to seek his blessing, he remains faithful to his vow of simplicity.
A healing miracle and a living tradition
One of the greatest miracles of Saint Francis of Paula occurred in 1482. He saved Fréjus from the Black Death. On his way to cure King Louis XI, he stopped off in Bormes and Fréjus. There, the plague ravaged the city. Through his intervention, he kept the scourge at bay and saved the inhabitants.
In recognition of this miracle, Fréjus adopted him as its Patron Saint. Every year, the city shows a particular devotion to him. This devotion materializes during the bravado, celebrated on the third Sunday after Easter.
The bravado is a high point for the people of Fréjus. They thus show their deep respect and gratitude towards the saint. The city perpetuates this wish of recognition with a festive tribute each year. This tribute remains faithful to the tradition born from the miraculous healing.
Saint Francis of Paola left a quote full of wisdom: "Do few things, but do them well, simple joys are sacred." This maxim sums up his life, a model of faith and simplicity.