
Conférence du Patrimoine "La lutte contre le pillage archéologique, bilan et perspectives"

Tuesday April 15 at 18:00 a.m.
Villa Aurélienne Avenue du Général d’Armée Calliès 83600 Fréjus
Soil archives are a unique, fragile and irreplaceable asset. This is why government departments are combining their efforts by raising awareness and taking action to try to stem this scourge.
Xavier Delestre, Honorary General Curator of Heritage, former Regional Curator of Archaeology of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, returns to the issues of archaeological looting and presents the different ways to stem it. Soil archives are a unique, fragile and irreplaceable asset. This is why, since 2015 in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region and particularly in the Var department, State services (Culture, Justice, Gendarmerie, Customs) have been combining their efforts by combining awareness-raising and repression actions to try to stem this scourge which seriously harms heritage and scientific research. Link to the video conference: https://meet.goto.com/556082293


  • History
  • Antiquity
  • Archeology

All dates and times

Opening hours on April 15, 2025
TuesdayOpen from 18 p.m. to 19:30 p.m.




  • Wheelchair accessible with assistance
  • Possibility to drop someone off in front of the site

Access map


Villa Aurélienne
Avenue du Général d’Armée Calliès
83600 Fréjus
How do I get there?

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