Fréjus, a city committed to inclusion and accessibility.

In Fréjus, accessibility is a priority, and everything is done to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy this destination rich in history, culture and nature. Since 2014, the city has strengthened its commitment with the creation of the “Mission Handicap” service. 

This one-stop shop offers personalized support in conjunction with municipal services, associations and local stakeholders, thereby making life easier for people with disabilities in all aspects of their daily lives.

This commitment translates into concrete initiatives:

-A fully accessible beach located on the François Léotard Nature Base. HANDIPLAGE FRÉJUS offers a remarkable setting with cutting-edge equipment (tiralo, seahorse, audiobeach device) and a team of professionals trained to guarantee safe swimming moments.

- Adapted facilities for leisure, sport and culture, to allow everyone to take full advantage of the activities offered by the city.

The Tourist Office: inclusive tools and actions

The Fréjus Tourist Office is actively committed to ensuring an inclusive and warm welcome:

-At reception, an easier customer journey with facilities designed to guarantee comfort and autonomy.

-A referenced tourist offer, including detailed information on accessible accommodation, restaurants and activities.

-A suitable website, integrating tools such as voice dictation, text enlargement and sound adjustments for the visually and hearing impaired.

- Accessible events: for each event organized by the Office, specific arrangements are put in place to accommodate people with disabilities in the best possible conditions.

-A guided tour designed for everyone: the “FRÉJUS L'INTÉGRALE” tour was designed with an inclusive spirit in mind, allowing all types of audiences to fully enjoy this unique experience.

- Tailor-made tours: on request, the Office guide can co-construct a tour adapted to the specific needs of each group or individual.

-Adapted prices: for events like the Nuits Auréliennes, a pricing policy makes them easier to access for everyone.

In Fréjus, inclusion and sharing are at the heart of our priorities, so that everyone can have unforgettable experiences.

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